Thick, Fissured/Cracked Heels

Before treatment                               After treatment

Fissured heels are more prevalent in people who have dry skin, are on their feet for long periods, and particularly those who favour footwear without a heel cup e.g. flip-flops, ‘sling backs’, open backed sandals etc. Fissured and thick callused heels are also more prevalent in people who are overweight.

The fissures can occur as epidermal (restricted to the outside layers of the skin) or dermal (extend into the deeper layers of the skin).

Before treatment                               After treatment

Dermal fissure

Heavily callused and fissured heels are treated by the use of scalpels and a combination of coarse and fine sanding discs. As is clearly demonstrated in these sequential photos below the improvement following treatment can be quite remarkable.

Before treatment                               After treatment

It is essential for patients to use moisturising creams at least three times daily in order to prevent the fissures from constantly re-appearing…

“ in addition to an appointment with a Podiatrist, the best thing for dry cracked heals is emollients, emollients, and more emollients !”

Before treatment                               After treatment

If you are affected with unsightly thick/fissured/dry heels then make an appointment and come and see for yourself how we transform them. The difference is amazing!